Am 10. Januar feiert International Inner Wheel seinen 96. Geburtstag. In vielen Clubs der Welt wird das Jubiläum auf verschiedensten Weisen gefeiert, wobei die Objektive von Inner Wheel, - Freundschaft - Nächstenhilfe - internationale Verständigung -, immer im Mittelpunkt stehen.
Message for Inner Wheel Day
Inner Wheel Day, the 10th of January, celebrates the date of the Inner Wheel meeting held in 1924. It is such a special day to us all and is celebrated in so many different ways, by Clubs and Members around the world, with the main intention of bringing Inner Wheel into the public eye.
Margarette Golding achieved so much in promoting Inner Wheel in the 1920’s and 30’s and all she had was a telephone and “slow” mail. Now we, the present members of Inner Wheel have to be the Margarette Golding of the 2020’s and use every modern means available to attract new members to our wonderful organisation.
Just imagine the effect it would have if 110’000 Inner Wheel Members in 104 Countries all shouted and celebrated at the same time what Inner Wheel achieves in making the world a safer and better place for all to live in. We can do that, in our own way – in our own locality, by making sure that our celebrations are seen and heard publicly and in every form of social media.
We have a distinctive Inner Wheel Logo and my wish is to see this logo and your Club or District details placed on every item that you donate and on every project that you undertake. How often do we do all the work and others get the credit? We have to advertise Inner Wheel, for if we don’t no one else will!
Let us show the world that our Inner Wheel Logo is synonymous with disease awareness, poverty prevention, accessible education, safeguarding the environment, climate control, skills training, clean water, female hygiene provisions and many other challenges.
So let us all, as Inner Wheel members, be proud of our heritage by wearing our IW badges and promoting Inner Wheel as the World’s largest women’s volunteer service organization on the 10th January and let Inner Wheel be known as the brand name for making dreams come true.
Yes, “Together We Can”
With my very best wishes to you all for a memorable Inner Wheel Day
Pyllis Charter, IIW President 2019-2020