Inner Wheel District 199

Founded Saturday, May 16, 1987
District 0 - Charter number 0

What is Inner Wheel?

International Inner Wheel is the largest organisation of women's service voluntary organisations in the world - active in around 4,000 clubs in more than 100 countries and with a continually growing membership of over 120,000 - only women.

The District 199

The first Inner Wheel Club in Switzerland was founded in Morges in Swiss Romand (French-speaking) region - on 1. July 1981. Two years later, in 1983 the Club of Zurich-Knonaueramt opened in the Swiss German region, followed in 1984 by the Clubs of Montreux-Vevey and Val-de-Travers, in 1985 by the Club of Bulle and in 1986 by the Clubs of Fribourg and Bern.

In 1987, International Inner Wheel federated all individual IIW clubs in Switzerland to form District 199. The youngest club is the Club Bern-Zytglogge, which was founded in 2008.

Today, IIW District 199 comprises 40 clubs with almost 1600 members. Except for Ticino, there is at least one Inner Wheel Club, albeit not in all cantons, but in all regions.

Who can become a member?

Originally membership was restricted to wives and family members of Rotarians, nowadays it is possible for any woman who wishes to share the aims of Inner Wheel, ie.

  • to cultivate genuine friendship,
  • to encourage service to others
  • and to promote international understanding

to join a Club. If you are interested in becoming involved in an Inner Wheel Club, contact the Club nearest to your home. A list of all Clubs can be found here

Further Information


Active members 1593
- Men 3
- Ladies 1590
Paul Harris Fellow 25
Club guests 19
Honorary members 31
Other contacts 7


Simone Keller

Kloosfeldstrasse 12
4310 Rheinfelden
